random thoughts and happenings in the world of a fortysomething misfit...
Welcome to my first ever blog! I have no idea what I am doing and have been told by some people in the know (teenagers!) that I have no right to be blogging as I am over the age of 25! My 18 year old son refuses to have any involvement and sticks his fingers in his ears at even the mention of my blog. To him I am just his mum, and certainly not a fully formed human being, with thoughts, feelings and heaven forbid a past! Although I suppose there may be some credence to their horror.. considering all the fortysomethings I know would not even know what a blog is. If I told them I had a blog they would probably rush me to A&E!
So here I am. Sometimes I will write complete nonsense, sometimes I will rant, sometimes I will cry, sometimes I will hopefully make you laugh, but most of all I want to connect with you.. and find me again...
Somewhere between 1994 and 2014 I lost 'me.' I've looked in every nook and cranny that I can think of, hoping to see my oversized arse sticking out of an undersized space, but I am nowhere to be seen. I am lost just like an unwanted hand me down school jumper sitting in the smelly lost property box.. lying unclaimed for two decades. I am hoping that writing this blog may help me find who I am again, or maybe you can help to find me. If you see me somewhere feel free to grab me, give me a pull yourself together slap and point me in the direction of home!
Love Pinky xxx
Feel free to get in touch!